the reason is clear: i haven't felt inspired by anything new i've seen nor have i felt stimulated about clothing myself. comes down to being busy, wearing the same stuff every day and immersing myself in reading material not related to attire...
thanks to sugar kane who posted photos of olivier theysken's collection for theory i felt a nudge in my body towards wanting to sort out my closet. there were looks that spoke to me and felt like me.
as you might have noted, for me, excitement about clothes starts usually by going through what i have, not by running to stores.
as luck would have it, another competitor caught me off guard. samuji's lookbook started appearing online and i knew an instant favorite was found. not fluid and carefully articulated like theory, but constructed and simple almost (but only almost) nearing boredom, the collection has the feel of an easygoing classic.
needless to say, the style was instantly recognizable. years ago i was excited when samu-jussi koski started creating for marimekko, and felt ecstatic when he was appointed artistic director. the nicest and humblest guy in the world created wearable clothes that put marimekko back on my fashion map. when he left i was devastated although i was torn by his last collections.
sure i liked some of ritva falla's and mika piirainen's work, but mostly they felt too old and too casual respectively. samu-jussi gave marimekko structure and form – albeit abusing the egg and tulip ad nauseam – together with playfulness that was missing from their tailored clothes.
samuji captures the simplicity i appreciate. his first ss line of 2011 is a full collection including accessories and shoes, all manufactured in spain, estonia and japan.

thus, i am still not running to shops, but shall wait for next spring. a comeback for the both of us.
I'm also super excited about the Samuji collection, especially some of the airy knits speak directly to me... Good for him!
Minäkin pääsin innostumaan vaatteet nähtyäni. Simppeliä ja freesiä. Käyttäisin!
(+ näkisin tällä olevan hyvinkin kaupallisia mahdollisuuksia myös Suomen rajojen ulkopuolella.)
Minäkin ilahduin kovasti nämä nähtyäni. Ajatellun ja oivalletun oloista, mainiota käyttövaatetta. Hyviä perusjuttuja.
Kaupallista potentiaalia minäkin näissä näen. Paljonkin. Miten hauskaa! Tuotantotapojen ja matskujen eettisyys on tietenkin loistava juttu myös.
sugar kane, there's plenty of greatness there, right?
inke, mua innosti malliston jakaminen perusklassikoihin ja kausimallistoon, koska niistä on hyvä, kaupallinen line tehty...
anna, sepä se, ja todellakin toivon menestystä samu-jussille.
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