well, i'm back with my recommendations. this particular one is way overdue, but for some reason it took me incredibly long to haul myself to this highly recommended and, quite frankly, formidable bistro.
the place in question is bistro helsinki 15, a delicately small but airy space equipped with ambition sufficient to fill a large establishment. from muted linen tablecloths to impeccable servings and attentive enough service, you aren't left wanting much here. actually the only thing i can think of: the background music could be better...
but let's just consider the facts for a minute. the value of the lunch benefit ticket, "lounasseteli", is 9,20€ at the moment. that buys you a lunch at sodexo and we all know what crap they serve. inedible, and that's being nice. by adding a mere 80c you get to choose from two gourmet portions made of fresh ingredients in addition to a starter salad and great italian coffee.
say what? i say go and enjoy.
Kuulostaa mainiolta - käyn heti tsekkaamassa kun vain tulen Helsinkiin!
Lähde toki lounasseuraksi! :)
mennään ehdottomasti!
Mä asun ihan naapurissa (liian lähellä, että olisin tullut käyneeksi tuolla...), joten voisin tulla mukaan myös. :)
anu, mäkin olen syyttänyt liiallista läheisyyttä saamattomuuteni taustalla. ja ehdottomasti, mennään!
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