Friday, September 10, 2010

bros and mos.

i never thought i'd actually ever write this, but here goes nothing:

where are the hos? i want hos!

just talking about these stickers that warm the heart of an appletheist more than a customized bible cover ever could appeal to the devout christian. just cannot choose between these three amazing – and hilariously suitable – alternatives:

pics from stick with me, baby! more options (and mos) on the website. click to see a clearer image, blogger likes to smudge things...

and i haven't even gotten to the mos section, yet...

at 8€ a piece i could order a couple, but since they are proper stickers and non-reusable, i'd love to get it right the first time. any suggestions? which one would you go for?


inke / issues said...

Ahahhah, fantastisia! Mä ottaisin ehkä viiksistä El Capitanit ja päistä El Caballerot. Hmm.. :{

Lady Dada said...

¡El Conquistador, olé!

stellagee said...

noista viiksistä mulle kelpaisi kaikki! mahtavia! ay caramba! olé!

omarloria said...

aivan loistavia, repesin :D Viikset varsinkin, itse ottaisin nuo surrealistiset. ehkä. tämäkin applesydän lämpeää!

Salka said...

Oijoi, mikä yksinkertainen, mutta nerokas keksintö! Jos mulla ois omppu, ottaisin ehdottomasti jotkut noista viiksistä :D ( ja taidan vakavasti harkita lahjaksi noita tarroja eräälle omppuperheelle :)

stellagee said...

wikke, surrealistit ovat mahtavat. mä haluaisin noi kaikki viikset... kääk.

salka, lahjaideana muuten mainio!