on saturday we organized a late brunch that
a) exposed the limits of our apartment's seating and feeding capacity (20+ at a time is not possible...),
b) made me realize that people show up at a timely fashion if you organize a brunch in the afternoon, and
c) they are starving upon arrival.
hence, it was incredibly hectic in the beginning getting the food and drinks out – for some reason i believed it would be easy to ask everyone to just bring some food instead of gifts – and after sleeping late we were completely unprepared for the sheer amount of plates, oven pans, bowls and cake boxes that landed in our hands. therefore, i only managed to exchange a few words with some guests which still upsets me.
lesson learned: i'll just organize slightly more limited events later on and shall rethink twice before having a potluck...
after everything calmed down, it was all fun and games: the brunch continued for a full 12 hours. again. to prove it, there are two (!) very shaken (!!) and completely unpublishable (!!!) pictures of the entire party and, unsurprisingly, we never got to the much hyped eggs benedict... and our fridge is still packed.
but here i am with my third cake, on sunday, sans makeup, bed head, in my mother's old marimekko shirt...

thank you, my sweethearts, for making my day – my tummy thanks you for making the consecutive three days, as well. and now on to adult business it is.
as if.
Oi, onnea paljon!
Onnea näin jälkikäteen synttäreiden johdosta!:)
lady dada ja salka, kiitos kaunis! :)
KIIIIITOS! Oli ihanat juhlat. Siis parhaat. 12 tuntia brunssia on juuri sopivasti! Miltä fluff-kaakku maistui?
inke, kiiitoooss itsellenne! (ja arvaa kenestä ne julkaisukelvottomat kuvat ovat... ;)) olen myös taipuvainen ajattelemaan, että 12 tuntia on juuri sopiva brunssiaika. kyllä se näin on.
fluff-kaakku oli ylimaallisesta kauneudestaan huolimatta äklöintä mitä olen ikinä maistanut. ihan oikeasti. pohjana oli levy suklaata, sen päällä tiukkaa suklaamoussea ja isoja pähkinöitä, sen päällä vaahtokarkkihöttöä, joka maistui...hmmm...vaahtokarkille. kreisi kokonaisuus, joka toimii ehkä vain raivokkaimmille sokerihiirille.
mutta niiiiin kaunis. <3
Paljon onnea!!!!!!
anna, kiitos!
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