it was, well, up-close and personal. he started beautifully and after the first two songs talked to the audience. his remarks seemed to take forever, and when the third song was up, the audience was more than ready to dance. it felt pretty great being part of the party.
if only had he stopped there. he is a funny guy, but seemed sligthly too impressed by his own wit and seemed to forget that his art was music not comedy. it could have been the two bottles of wine he gurgled down while performing, but i suspect it was some sort of boredom that inspired the nauseatingly long speeches between each one of the eight (or nine?) songs he managed to deliver during the hour and a half he was on stage.
sure, the fact that we were tired going in and had a heavy dinner before wasn't helpful, but we weren't the only ones unimpressed by his babble. i don’t recall seeing another show at tavastia where the audience slowly leaves the room and vanders to the bar before the concert is over.
mighty bummer.

Harmi, ja toisaalta hyvä... En nimittäin päässyt itse paikalle vaikka olisin halunnut kovinkin. Ei se kyllä tainnut siellä Flow:ssakaan olla ihan selvin päin liikenteessä. Ehkä tuo sensuelli tunnelma tarvii enemmän sitä vinkkua.
taitaa vaatia, juu :D
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