it all started out as a normal, rather inspiring day: i was about to run some errands and decided to wear my fairly asymmetric, but lovely
vivienne westwood wool dress. as i slipped it on, i noted a hole in the hem. knowing myself, i blamed my stuffed closet where hems easily get stuck between shoe boxes. hence, sometimes delicate fabrics rip. the thought that i might have harmed it during our move occurred to me, as well. ultimately, i wasn't devastated and just gathered the hem up with some safety pins: westwood with holes is at another level compared to a flawless westwood -- the punkier the better, right? normally knee length became a rather short miniskirt, but i think it worked out fine.

off i went, ran the errands and popped into a clothing store. in the fitting room i noted that the entire garment was covered in tiny little holes. my punk attitude deserted me instantly: something was eating my precious dress!

no matter how much we like to diss synthetic fibers, they've got a perk one hardly ever thinks about: critters do not like to munch on plastic! there are all kinds of minute larvae after your shreds: the clothing moth enjoys wool and the carpet beetle will savour almost anything but has a preference for fur and wool. oh so savvily, i've filled my closets with cedar wood moth repellents, but the science behind the method is unclear to me. they smell nice, though, but obviously do not work all that well...
thankfully, we've got a sauna. i found no further damage, but i am not taking any chances. heating up the b*tards is a handy way to kill almost any kind of creepy crawler and while my meticulous search gave no clue as to who might be blameworthy, i hope the heat treatment will solve the problem. die, creepers, die!!
I hope you get rid of whatever's been eating your treasures! I need to air mine, especially the latest thrift store finds, as long as we have below zero temperature...
thanks! right now i'm so utterly pissed off i could burst...
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