when you hear of an eco-friendly night club, it's pretty obvious green is the new black. ecco is a night club in hollywood with several ecological solutions from wall insulation and lighting to sounds systems and tabletops. everything is designed with the reduction of the club's carbon footprint in mind.
what amazes me, though, is that there is a multitude of solutions available that consume less energy from strobe lights to waterless urinals. there are ways to reduce waste, and sound technology that produces optimum frequencies with minimum energy and heat. they could be used everywhere, not only at places that brand themselves as green. after all, the technology exists already.
why is it, as anu previously commented, that in order to get an eco-charger for your cellphone you need to buy an eco-phone? why aren't all cell phones manufactured from recycled materials now that we obviously know how to do it? why are we still producing stuff we know is not environmentally sound when we have better alternatives?
do we need to go overtly green to be green, huh?
Syy taitaa olla siinä, että sanalla "eko" voidaan vielä toistaiseksi rahastaa enemmän.
"Ekosähkökin" on usein sellaista sähköä (esim. vesivoimaa), jota tuotettaisiin muutenkin täydellä kapasiteetilla, mutta "eko"-leimalla siitä voidaan pyytää lisähintaa, jota ihmiset maksavat ollakseen vihreämpiä.
niinhän se taitaa olla. silti (ja kai siksi) noita kysymyksiä tarvitseekin paukuttaa, jotta homma voisi jotenkin muuttua...
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