i admit to bargain hunting and feel terribly pleased with myself when i find something stripped off the majority of its suggested retail price. both my size and my taste help in some cases, because many of my preferred items hang on the racks till the end of sale. it's taken me years to learn not to buy a piece of clothing at full price whenever i am convinced that it will sell out immediately: my judgment on the desirability of items is usually completely erroneous and off the mark. nevertheless, i do miss out on some articles i really want.
but sometimes, i'm really lucky and find items like this one: martin margiela 6 handknit sweater with 3/4 sleeves, 70% off.

i've taught myself to believe in waiting patiently and letting the worm get really, really fat...
where did you find this ? :)
@ helsinki10
Ihana neule!
Mä teen yleensä alelöytöni alejen loppuvaiheessa, jos tungen ekapäivien ryysikseen, teen helposti paniikkiostoksia, ja vasta yli 50% alennus tuntuu alennukselta... Ainakaan täällä Tampereella niitä vaatteita, joita mä halajan, ei myydä heti ekana, joten löytöjä tulee!
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