there is much to share, pictures to export from cameras, veggies to pickle, family to see, a house to build (for my sweetie's brother), berries to pick and most importantly, sleep to allow myself be engulfed by... but fear not, i will be back soon with recommendations and tales of my travels as well as the usual bs.
this time i leave you only with this advice i found posted on a store window on castro street:

Good to have you back, dollface! And thanks for the warning, better late than never I guess.
See you at Flow, if not sooner!
Kuulostaa ihanalta!!! Onpa kiva kuulla että reissunne oli onnistunut!
Ihanaa loppulomaakin! Jos olet Turun suunnassa, ilmoittele itsestäsi!
sugar kane, helloooooo! sooner.
anna, kiitos ja enköhän mä päädy turkuun vielä ennen loman loppua tai ainakin pian sen jälkeen. tänään pitäisi taas mennä mökille... huh.
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