festival clothing can be a hassle. last year i wore a one-piece to flow and realized that the mistake was not to be remade. talk about troublesome bathroom visits.
this year it was warmer, but i am still glad i stuck to simple pant-top -combos. here's the most relaxed one i wore on sunday when everything was perfect...
you see, i suffered all friday from pain. saturday i missed k-x-p because i was at the hospital getting my infected eye looked at. a very inflamed tear canal had me in tears and make-up free for the entirety of the festival.
on the upside, for me the cancellation of jónsi was not such a disappointment after i heard caribou got main stage time. they did not fail. last but not least we were enveloped by the xx and the sensuous warmth of summer's last night. just like anna-kaari said, i smelled fall this morning.
top by cheap monday, pink lace bra (exposed from behind) by american apparel, pants by oak, sandals by bernhard willhelm for camper.
Mahtavat housut!!!
Ja mäkin olen jo haistanut syksyn...
anna, kiitos! mua viehättää se, että niiden eriparisesti yhdistetyt raidat näyttävät melkein vahingolta, muttei sittenkään...
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