one of my highlights was the performance of zebra and snake, a quirky electro-duo.

the night of design was filled with people dressed in black. i ran from work and had only time to change my glasses into contacts, but was dressed appropriately somber anyhow. i love this time of the year when bare ankles, necks and arms combined with flowing layers of wool are just right.

merino sweater by uniqlo man, wool grandpa pants by diesel black gold, booties by prada.
how boring, you may think, and i must admit to the ensemble lacking a certain je ne sais pas. fear not, there was a detail to save me from outfit bore. the schtick was my incredibly oversize bag with a... ta-taa... teddy bear! i love dame westwood's sense of humor and this fall's anglomania collection was again filled with signature westwood icons – such as the teddybear and the squiggle – and just plain good old fun.

bag by vivienne westwood anglomania.
have you attended the design week already?
I'm kicking myself here for not being able to attend any Hki Design Week happenings - schedule conflict. Must miss tonight's party as well, boo.
(as a consolation, starting this Friday, there's a sorta "fashion" thingie going on in Tampere, we'll see how that turns out... Expecting a lot of orange ladies teetering in bad shoes!)
(Speaking of which: Your shoes ain't bad! Quite the contrary.)
Mäkään en tänä vuonna pääse Hki Design Weekille. Harmi.
Sun lookki on ihan mahtava - tykkään kovasti asun hienovaraisesta tyylikyydestä. Ja tykkään ihan hulluna tuosta superkassista (joka sit onkin kaikkea muute kuin hienovarainen, in a best possible way! :))! Se mätsää tuohon asuun ihan superhyvin, ja on kaikin puolin aivan loistelias asuste. Westwood on niin paras! :)
sk, noooo, i was waiting for our rendez-vous tonight. that sucks big time...
and thanks, i love the shoes. they're the perfect combo of ugly+clumpy and refined+sleek. and they're comfortable...
anna, harmillista todellakin. kaikenlaista hauskaa tapahtuu ja muakin harmittaa, ettei ihan joka paikkaan repeä.
kiitos, onpa hauskaa kuulla olevansa hienovaraisen tyylikäs! westwood on mun iso lemppari ja tuo kassi jotenkin... niin... liikaa. eli just hieno! :D
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