i instantly knew there were a couple of items i could post but, nevertheless, went through my closet and the two boxes of dresses i brought in from the storage because of last week's parties. i hesitated whether i should actually dig into my storage a little further, but the number already overwhelmed me (and will probably bore you...). so the rest must be saved for later, okay?

the asplund dress is from his s/s08 and i purchased last winter from his showroom sample collection. needless to say, i was thrilled to fit into the sample size... it features an exquisite print, is made of somewhat rough cotton and is definitely a pretty bold statement piece of clothing to wear. i cherish it, but wear it rather rarely.

luckily i share my mother's frail figure pretty much to the inch because, as it turns out, there's more from where the above dress originated.

the kind of detailing that is found on both my mom's old dresses is something i truly miss in modern clothing, and one of the reasons i am willing to pay for finishing touches. it is also undoubtedly true that materials used to be better because the only reason some of my vintage numbers couldn't be worn today is due to unremovable stains, not wear and tear.
avoiding stains is easy with black, and below is a threesome i was unable to shoot properly in this winter "light".
the first top is a hanna sarén for iittala tee i bought in some state of temporary insanity and which i don't like (never worn; anybody like & want it?) although there are sequins and my internal magpie lurrves glittery sequins. i am actually unsure if it is made in finland, but could not find anything stating otherwise.

the other two are again from mom: a wool wrap skirt from marimekko and a wool blouse with a back zip from arola. i wear both because of the impeccable quality and great fit.
i normally steer clear of clothing that screams vintage and like timeless pieces i think the ones posted above are. some may look retro, but none are such that they couldn't possibly be produced today.
however, the collector and greedy hamster in me demand attention and activity, and i have several dresses in my collection that are rather wearable but definitely and obviously vintage. i wore them more when i had long, curly hair but nowadays they stay in the storage.
these two were made in finland: a smokey blue dress with hummingbirds and thin golden stripes from finn karelia and a silky, transparent pastel dress from stina. neither made my collection because of quality or craftmanship, but because sometimes i feel an urge to dress more maturely... perhaps it is the mrs in me?

nevertheless, the crown jewel of my finnish collection is this simple and feminine dress by kaunotar which was made in my old hometown, turku. the copper color is absolutely stunning and the combination of (quite common, but still high-quality) lace and satin uplifts the dress to a party favorite.
and this concludes the tour of finland in my wardrobe. i hope you enjoyed it and will visit again!
Ihania vaatteita - tää oli oikein inspiroivaa! Etenkin tuo Kaunottaren kaunotar, ah mikä mekko!
Turkulaisena mä tykkään Kaunottaresta ja Silosta ihan erityisesti ja kerään niitä jos sopivia yksilöitä vastaan tulee. Jotenkin kotiseuturakkaus kyllä heijastuu vaatteisiinkin. :)
kiitos sulle haasteesta! oli aika jännää käydä läpi vaatteiden merkintöjä; esim. nuo kaksi rouvamekkoa yllättivät mut täysin olemalla suomalaisia. mulla on samankaltaisia vino pino, mutta valmistusmaana yleensä englanti.
mulle itselleni selvisi, että vaatetavaraa löytyy edelleen laidasta laitaan -- tyylillisesti siis, tarkoitan -- vaikka koitin tehdä varsin radikaalin siivousoperaation muuton yhteydessä. olen näemmä tosi huono heittämään/antamaan/myymään pois mekkojani, vaikka muista vaatteista pystynkin luopumaan aika helposti.
oikeastaan olen yllättynyt kuinka vähän nuoria suunnittelijoita tuossa sitten lopulta oli. niitä pitäisi olla jossakin enemmän... ja muistin juuri, että varastossa mulla on limboa heidän "kulta-ajaltaan" (mun mielestä!) eli 90-luvun puolelta; ehkä esittelen ne ihan omassa postauksessaan. ainakin 3 takkia, joista 2 edelleen ihan freesejä ja käyttökelpoisia...
That merry finn skirt is so beautiful. very peaceful. it would be nice to see you wearing that - I haven´t see you like that. =)
thanks, it's quite classy, isn't it? but true, my soft feminine side's been awol for quite a while now...
the dress is actually waiting to go to the cleaners for stain removal, and if successful, you'll see me in it soon enough some spring...
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