fever ray started with pounding bass lines and lasers slitting the smoky air. i felt my sternum tremble and my ears became wrapped in the oscillating sound. the stage was decorated and lit with retro lampshades which breathed with the music lighting up and slowly extinguishing as the beats moved on. it was a very powerful beginning.
from such a start one would expect nothing less than fireworks, but the music did not carry all the way to the edges of the room. i tiptoed to see anything and the buildup let me down constantly. had i been standing in the middle of the room surrounded by hovering people i might have had a different experience altogether judging from the feedback i got from friends. such critical sensitivity to location may work against an artist, but also proves that some music requires intimacy which is not exactly a horrible thing. only too bad for us situated peripherally.
"when i grow up i want to be a forester, run through the moss on high heels."
Oltiin sitten samalla keikalla. :) Tykkään yleensä itse katsoa keikkaa vähän kauempaa, olen sen verran pitkä että näen kauempaakin, mutta tuolla keikalla juututtiin eturiviin eikä viitsitty alkaa tunkea taaksepäin. Mahtava kokemus oli kyllä.
uuh this song is amazing! definitely buying the album!
lulu pigeon, jep, nän taisi olla. mulla on yleensä keikalla kunnolla korkoa, että näkisin, mutta tällä kertaa maihareissa sai varpistella oikein kunnolla...
lexi, you better. it's an amazing album.
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