without exaggeration i visited every single boutique in town, but had no luck. i considered a pair of the ever so luxurious silk cigarette pants from acne, but even one size too big they were too tight at my calves and i was afraid the non-elasticated fabric would end up ripping at the seams if i had to walk stairs. i've got some quality meat around my legs, let me tell ya...
last saturday on my way to some hot dogs i remembered a store that usually slips my mind. the staple locale that i have been visiting since the year it actually opened, called liike, was ten years ago a groundbreaker as a source of young finnish design. they are celebrating their anniversary this year, and was i ever glad i stopped by...
there they were, a pair i almost decided to skip because of the waist lining that was in black and white picnic blanket plaid. needless to say, i just don't do anything that resembles a quilt.
after i recovered from my initial shock and realized that the lining would not show (double duh!), i tried them on and realized my problem was solved. the pair is from vainio.seitsonen, who are known for their interesting, minimalistic shapes – which makes me wonder why i do not own anything more from them. (note to self: fix this, soon.)
my pants are black, stretchy cotton and fit nicely. the diaper shape that accentuates (to put it mildly) the size of my bum does not matter – i never was too into traditionally flattering clothes anyway...

i still could use another pair, any suggestions?
Your trousers looked amazing IRL also, a great find! There were some nice looking pants at Carin Wester's webshop sale, but I wouldn't know about the polyester content, sir...
Mahtavat housut!!!! Hyvien housujen löytäminen ei totisesti ole helppoa, joten sua onnisti. Hieno homma!
Mulla on muuten hyvin samankaltainen suhde vainio.seitsoseen: periaatteessa arvostan meininkiä tosi paljon, mutta kun aloin oikein miettiä asiaa niin huomasin ettei yksikään ko. merkin vaate ole löytänyt tietään kaappiini. Luulenpa, että munkin pitää korjata tämä puute joskus tulevaisuudessa. (Mutta todellakin tulevaisuudessa...mä yllättävästi en oikeasti halua mitään tällä hetkellä. Miten omituista! Yritän nyt nauttia tästäkin harvinaisesta olotilasta.)
sugar kane, thank you sweets. must check out carin wester now...
anna, kiitos ja aivan totta, ei todellakaan helppoa. huokaus.
ajattelin suunnata liikkeeseen, jossa alkoi ale, koska vainio.seitsosen mekot näyttivät ihanilta epäväreissään ja jännissä laskoksissaan... ehkä sieltä tarttuu jokin mukaan.
hyvää juhannusta, näin myöhässä, mutta kuitenkin!
oi, tykkään!
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