mine are white, totally over-the-top fringed beauties that i have loved dearly for several years. they are perfect for festivals, for the heat of summer, for rainy days out, etc. which shows in the leather, but that's just the way i want them. worn in, used, tattered and rugged. versatility to the max, i'd say.
the most appealing part of the boots comes down to the allusion towards trailer trash "couture": they are just ugly enough to insinuate a person who's slightly clueless [sic!] about their own level of appeal. they suggest trashy and pushy sexiness that's a little cheap – imagine mariah carey and you know exactly what i mean – because they look best combined with something tight and/or short. definitely not classy or even sexy, just too much...
thus, for these hot summery days i took my inspiration from mariah, her "the more skin the better" attitude, and combined my look around a butterfly top and boots. sure, i skipped showing my booty and also hoisting my boobs up for all world to see, but denim shorts and a tank top are as far as i'm ready to stray from at least some class. add some bruised knees and the look steers towards aileen wuornos faster than you can say y'all...
in all seriousness i am rolling on the floor laughing at the idea behind this, but hey, who said you should take your looks all that seriously?

and of course, enjoy mariah, in all her, ahem, voluptuousness... (yikes)
does trashy tickle your fashion imagination?
I saw those boot somewhere else on you - I think that they are precious pair! For me there is always some humor and cheekiness in those, too - I think that a pair of cowboy boots just steers you to not take it too seriously!
One combination I especially enjoy with those is to pair them just with a simple dress (nothing frilly but rather minimal), slouchy bag and sunglasses.
My pair is nothing like yours - but just when they were all over last time I snatched a super kitchy pair from Bronx: with leather cutouts and butterfly motifs, haha! Still could add a great vintage pair if I ever bump to one...
kamicha, thank you! i agree, it's strange how cowboy boots are not, despite their historical references as macho footwear (or perhaps because of that?), something i can take seriously at all.
simple dress is what i usually go for, too, or just a pair of skinny jeans and a big tee.
butterly themes are rather inspirational now, aren't they?
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