Thursday, April 8, 2010

exit through the gift shop.

this documentary is, to me, the event of the movie year. telling the story of street art – as opposed to traditional graffiti – and its major figures, it will be a film that features one of the most interesting urban phenomena of our times that made its way from the streets to galleries and museums, first smuggled and later stolen and purchased. street art, sometimes taking the form of adbusting, varies from direct political commentary to purely aesthetic challenges to electrify yer mind. truly a method of owning the urban landscape.

the film's trailers are full of promise. and there's banksy. holy s**t. yay!


Sugar Kane said...

Mää odottelen innolla ja. Tiedätkö, milloin tää näkyy, ja misä?

stellagee said...

16.4. ensi-ilta, mutta koska suomeen – vain lenita tietää...

Varpu said...

Mahtavaa, kiitos vinkistä!