she came up with a clever plan of going to new york this fall. despite there being loads of friends in nyc who could show her around, she realized a need for a personal guide, moi. hence, she purchased tickets for her and i, and we're off to the big apple in a couple of weeks. sweet, huh?
part of the preparation is to get familiar with the destination once again. since i already know my way around, a great way to embrace the environment could be tactile, like wrapping brooklyn around meself. soft-maps quilts by haptic lab provide a full immersion into a neighborhood of your choice. they're perfect at this time when i'm a little sick with a slight fever and obviously fearing my trip could be postponed by an unfortunate episode of h1n1.
they also come customized to yer whims in case you feel the need to lay under your childhood hometown or the most romantic place in the world – wherever you may think it is.
which location would you want to wrap yourself into?

Oi miten mahtavaa kun pääset Nykiin! Sulla on ihana sisko! :)
Ja tuo peite on kyllä aivan suloinen! Mä haluaisin Barcelona-peiton - voisi Turkukin kyllä olla aika ihana. :)
Parane pian!
Siskot on parhaita!
Mä voisin nyt ja aina kietoutua Pariisiin
Paranemista sinulle JA mun internet-koiraystävälle!
mun sisko on kyllä ykkönen!
pariisi, barcelona, berliini – kaikki kietoutumisen arvoisia varmasti! mutta turkupeitto voisi olla mullekin sydäntä lähellä; pitääpä laittaa kysely menemään haptic labiin...
kiitos, mä tässä toivun, mutta loppuperhe vaan sairastaa. jorman maha edelleen sekaisin, nyyh...
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