friday night was all about style bloggers unite. i was invited to join silver and petra at a21 cocktail lounge for champagne, fun and blog gossip. our gracious and always so gentlemanly host had some exciting news for us and there were plenty of reasons for toasting. and toast we did.

we continued to dtm for an overdose of madonna songs and drinks. while the gracefully fawn-like beauty petra and sleek'n'slick silver kept dancing like there's no tomorrow, i stood back and had the pleasure to catch up with the forever stylish mv.
as much i love being low maintenance and spending a surprisingly large part of the summer in the countryside, there aren't many things to beat the feeling of dolling up properly for a night out in the city. because everyone including myself adores balmain's cristophe decarnin, the night's outfit consisted of a house of balmain inspired grey jersey dress with stunning shoulder detailing, a studded clutch bag, grandiose earrings and my current fave heels. although i had a teeny bit more makeup on friday, i usually go almost as barefaced as below.

thanks y'all! i had fun and looking forward to seeing you all again soon.
Vau, mikä mekko ja mikä nainen! Upea kokonaisuus, clutchia ja korkoja myöten. Milloin Zarassa on ollut noin hurjia olkia?
zarassa (ja ilmeisesti vähän joka paikassa muuallakin...) on balmain-villitys päällä tänä syksynä. eli mekko on ihan uusi. ei muuta kuin tutkailemaan!
dancing like there´s no tomorrow? you could´t feel a shirt was dry.. =)
you look fierce!
yup, a dry shirt and no panting whatsoever...
thanks, your fierceness.
Olenkin jo hieman odotellut Balmain-vaikutuksen rantautumista täkäläisiin vaatehtimoihin... pitää tosiaankin käydä vilkaisemassa!
En välttämättä halua kevytversiota Balmainin jakuista, vaan esimerkiksi juuri harteikas mekko voisi toimia minulle paremmin.
nuo tietyn kauden ilmeiset yksilöt ovat mullekin liian, hmmm, ilmeisiä eli juuri balmain-jakun kopio tuntuisi juuri siltä, kopiolta. mutta olkalinja toimii näin muutenkin tehtynä, tietysti.
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