Friday, May 22, 2009


today i was busy running errands, and after reading stella's post on change and realizing they had 50% off on all bras, i decided to pop in.

it's a known fact that most women (at least in finland) wear brassieres that don't fit properly. i probably should start by telling you that i haven't been one of them for the past 12 years; i had my bust professionally measured at the tender age of 19, and have not alienated the tape measurer or eager sales people during the years that my body has changed.

the chest of a woman is a delicate issue. preferences vary, but certain things seem to apply to everyone: we desire a nice firm shape whether large or small. similarly, we all lose the firmness and follow the journey towards the waistline like an inevitable decline. just the same as every woman, my size has fluctuated. depending on my fat ratio i've hovered between 32c and 34dd (the double d's were a brief period, i might add). i have been stuck at 32d for quite a while now and prefer bras that flatten my chest rather than accentuate it.

the size i am has always created trouble: 32d is not available in most places and only in few styles. moreover, my problem has always been that 32" becomes loose after a while of wearing and i need to visit the store again. a small ribcage is inconvenient in many ways, let me tell you -- the only reason i look anywhere near proportionate is because of the milk glands which aren't as grand as the letter might suggest...

the reason for my eager visit was that i desperately needed some t-shirt bras. i heard that change carries size 30", but was also aware that they follow a different kind of a measuring system: their cup sizes are smaller than usual. therefore, i grabbed a 30dd and headed towards the fitting room. after facing my reflection with four boobs i went up a size. and went up. and went up.

eventually, i left the store with two bras sized 30f (and still battling a slight four-boob problem). my sister was pleasantly surprised to find that she went up two sizes. wtf?!, we both thought.

talk about an instant boob boost! could it be that change is following an inverted form of vanity sizing perhaps? are people really buying into this? i think it's hilarious!


Sugar Kane said...

Joo mä kans oon ihmetellyt noita Change-raportteja, ei niillä liene mitään tekemistä muiden liikkeiden/merkkien kokojen kanssa. Mut mihin siinä tähdätään, luomaan kokoepävarmuuden kautta riippuvuus changen liiveihin, kun "muualla ei ole mun kokoa", vaiks ns. virallinen koko olis jtn muuta. tai sit se tosiaan on vanity sizingia, "mä oon NÄIN kapee ja NÄÄÄÄÄIN isotissinen jipii!"

stellagee said...

ei ole todellakaan vertailukelpoisia ne koot muiden liikkeiden kanssa. omalla kohdalla voisin sanoa, että ympärykset taitaa noudattaa aika tasan samaa eli 65 tuntui juurikin hiukan tiukemmalta kuin mun tottuma 70. tai sitten oon lihonu, heh.

mutta ne kupit... mä repeilin sovituskopissa, kun mun elävässä elämässä kuitenkin suhteellisen vaatimaton varustukseni ponnahti aakkosissa lähemmäs öötä. jotenkin myös myyjät tuntuivat pikkasen vaivautuvan, koska kaava ei mennyt sen "voi, kuule hei, suomalaislla on melkein kaikilla väärän kokoiset liivit; annas kun mä mittaan sut..." -mukaan, koska mä tiesin mittani.

ainoa mitä ne pystyi mulle sanomaan oli, että "nää meidän kupit on vähän pienempiä kuin muualla..."

eli vanity sizingia vahvasti, epäilen ma, ja varmaan tuota merkkiuskollisuutta. uskon, että jossain funky ladyssä tyrskähdellään "change-ilmiölle", kun tämäkin leidi lipuisi kauppaan ilmoittamaan, että nyt tarvittais sitä f-kuppia ja mittaus päätyisi d-kuppiin.

no joo, toisaalta samapa tuo. jos liivit istuu ja mieli ehkä vielä kohenee siitä, että lapussa lukee mieluinen kirjain, niin parempi se kuin joku kemikaalikoktail oraaliannoksena.