i did feel the need for a little something out of the ordinary, though. these sandal boots from office did the trick, cheaply i may add, and they've got a cool antwerp vibe going on. rather outre for not being quite a sandal or a boot, they're an interesting footwear chimera. i am looking forward to summer, tanned legs and short skirts when the scrunched folds get the limelight they deserve.
since today was warm enough, i wore them with an acid wash tee from american apparel, denim leggings, an i know why no -necklace and my good old trusted henrik vibskov scarf.

Wellcome back!
Loving the "interesting footwear chimera", both the term and how they look! I will also use those words to describe my own sandal/boots thingies.
thnx! chimera is such a usable term...
Mahtavat nuo kengät - ja odotan innolla muidenkin löytöjen esittelyä!
Mäkin kuolasin Libertyllä ja putiikeissa yhtä ja toista, mutta ostossaaliini oli lopulta varsin vaatimaton. Sä teit kyllä mitä ilmeisimmin huikean hyviä löytöjä!
Niin, ja oli tosiaan kiva tavata. Toivon että tapaamme taas, kenties Suomen kamaralla jopa. :)
Oh my, those sandals are beyond amazing! London is great. I really need to get there sometime soon. :)
I'm going to Barcelona in couple of weeks, lets hope I can do as great finds over there.
kiitos, anna! muutkin löydöt päätyvät varmasti tänne ennen pitkää...
ja tavataan toki kun taas osutaan samoihin maisemiin!
anna-maria: thanks! london is amazing right now because of the cheap pound. and i wish i was going to barcelona... have a good trip!
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