Thursday, October 14, 2010

pop gone gaga.

so, i went to see lady gaga last night. her tour, monster ball, is described as a pop opera freakshow which was underlined throughout the night.

we're all freaks and we can be anything we want to be.


the show was a prime example how a great production team and director are worth their weight in gold. there was a theme (monster ball), there were clever little references to rocky horror and other well-known popular culture phenomena, there were ott outfits, there was video and there was the insignificant pop that gaga performs.

i would really like to like lady gaga. she's talented and has great charisma. she promotes various valid causes that i have to applaud her for. without a doubt, she sings well – and told us repeatedly that she doesn't lip synch (if loud backup tapes are not considered lip synchin').

her show was, unfortunately, boring and uneven. the girl cannot dance. at all. it became clear fairly close to the beginning that she can pull off an amazing performance of one song, but collapses between changes and transitions. the theme felt like a great idea to begin playing with but was sporadically forgotten. especially the videos, of which there were many (too many) seemed regular photoshoot material and had nothing to do with the theme.

gaga gaggled between every song which pointed out a tad too obviously that she didn't have enough material for the length of the show she wanted to pull off. it would have been ok to just shorten the thing...

her aspiration towards creating a spectacle like madonna's was obvious, but her team didn't quite deliver. with careful planning and production it could have been entertaining – given that i have enjoyed other shows by artists i do not particularly like, such as the above mentioned madonna and pink.

lotsa gaga about nada.


Jaakko said...

mä tajuun ton et halusi tykkää gagast. must se on ehkä briljantein hahmo mitä on ilmestyny hetkeen markkinoille, noin hahmona ja tyylillisesti. se lihapuku oli mul ehken hiukan sit jo.. ei nyt liikaa mut tavallaan siin tuntus turhan vahvasti olevan.. ei takerruta siihen, palataan asiaaan omal tontil ehkäjoskus.

mä haluisin kans pitää gagasta, mut toistaseks ainoa kappale mist oikeesti pidän, mitä jaksan kuunnella on paparazzi, kaikki muu menee enemmän häiriön puolel. mä olisin myös kovin halunnu nähdä gagan, ihan vaan siks sanaks et sit olis nähny gagan. ei siks et vois sanoo et on nähny vaan ihan silkosta riemusta et sit olis nähny. know what i mean..?

stellagee said...

jaakko, niinpä, onhan se monella tapaa juuri briljantti. en vain ihan aidosti jaksa innostua siitä musasta. yhtään.

mun syy mennä katsomaan gagaa oli juuri tuo, että olin nähnyt. on asioita joita vaan kannattaa/pitää nähdä. samasta syystä menin katsomaan whitney houstonia, mutta se kadutti jo ensimmäisen biisin kohdalla – olisin halunnut pitää mielikuvissani vanhan kunnon whitneyn. ei aina voi voittaa...