last year was eventful as i launched a completely new career in the spring which has forced me to grow and learn tremendously. dedicating my time these past months to impersonal self-improvement – nah, sounds too paradoxical... hmm... focusing on skills required by someone else than myself... better? yup. – stole precious moments of immersion into ideas and subject matters that grow from my own history. i learned to miss articulating the multitude of concerns i still harbor.
unfortunately, i also wandered off to areas that had very little to offer – namely other blogs – that diverted my focus from what i thought was interesting and worthwhile. therefore, i felt i lost my own voice in the blog.
needless to say, i have ideas i want to share and counted around three dozen drafts in my blogger archive. almost every single one feels relevant enough to finish, but requires some more thought and time. my mind has become more scattered than usual, and distractions hit me harder than before. although i am not sure whether my lack of dwelling on issues is something i should lament over, i do feel that creating meaningful content has become more arduous.
as far as the blog goes, i will avoid distractions and continue to do my best: i shall introduce you to great places, works of art in all forms and products, and will continue ranting on matters that move me any given time. most importantly, i want to continue with my neighborhood recommendations since there are a few y'all should know about. ultimately, you decide whether it is interesting enough or not.
i start the new decade intensely happy and content: the first reason is our new home where everything is finally starting to look almost orderly. secondly in trying to keep up with project chanel, i accept the importance of physical well-being. thirdly, i look forward to one of the most exciting gifts i received pre-xmas from my boss, that is, a rather significant promotion later in spring – gaining substantial trust in a novel field of work is a reward that keeps this energizer bunny running quite happily for another year.
i have read many of your postings on the past year and the one coming, and it seems most of us are looking forward to a great new decade. yay!
but right now this nerdy mousey is ready for some quality time with my sweetie, friends, a huge serving of hot nachos, red wine and a drilling machine...

What a fantastic photo! Happy New Year!!
Hyvää alkanutta vuotta ja vuosikymmentä, ihana kuva :)!
Ihana kuva!!
Ja hyvää uutta vuotta ja alkavaa uutta vuosikymmentä, ystävä! Mahtavat ajat ovat edessämme!
lexi, you too! i fell in love with the fake ears...
salka ja anna, kiitos samoin! ja tekokorvat ovat kaljun paras ystävä! :D
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