her favorites were obviosly cookies from all fur dogz where we sometimes stop for coffee and biscuits, but the perma-frozen pup simply adores her jumpsuit from limbo so much that i got her two new ones: the stripey one here and a brown'n'white polkadot version for her 11th bday. yup, the pup is a senior citizen already! both are very 70's marimekko and make me giggle every time she passes me by.

IHANA! En kestä! Jorma-Irmeli on - joidenkin sukkahoususillaan skeittaavien lapsukaisten lisäksi - ehkä ainoa olento maailmassa, joka herättää mussa suojeluhalua ja jopa tiettyä äidillisyyttä.
Jorma looks very cute! I wonder if they make those stripy overalls in Dumbo's size? He has quite the problem figure...
My naked friend was definitely not on Santa's naughty list! He got a new sweater and a t-shirt, a squeaky toy, Dog Domino and treats probably more than he weighs...
sugar kane, jorma on maailman suloisin! mä en tietenkään ole mitenkään jäävi...
h, they actually make them to order so you've got a shot. i'm sure dumbo would enjoy one!
Aah, good to know! They sure look lovely!
Voiko olla mitään noin suloista? Kaunis koira ja niin äärettömän hellyttävä potkupuvussaan. Ihana!
täysin subjektiivisena huomiona totean, että olen täysin samaa mieltä. <3
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