therefore, i among many others am wearing pink today. true to my fall somber self, i will add just a hint during the day and go slightly more extravagant [sic!] towards night. for the day look i will add pink boots i have named "steak" because they resemble slabs of meat. an old 2004 acquisition from nyc, these argentinean ankle boots are as comfortable as shoes can be. tonight i'll meet some friends at a bar, go racy and flash some bra under a sheer pink tee (har har, that's about as racy as i go...). both outfits have some interesting pocket action going on – the first on the jacket, the second on the skirt – to draw attention away from the chest. quite fitting for the theme, me thinks, since part of the reason breast cancer creates such suffering is the importance we place on the chest of a woman as the signifier of her femininity.

black blazer, silk tee and coated jeans by cos, pink boots by de maria. pink tee by h&m, skirt with zipper by rodebjer, tights by wolford, suede booties by zara. pink cross pendant by antti asplund, leather bracelet by fifth avenue shoe repair.
are you wearing pink?
i love these outfits. i can't ever seem to get pink out of my wardrobe. just tiny hints of it. not a breast cancer awareness reference but it should be.
Sun teema-asut on aivan hurmaavia!! Ja itse asiahan on erittäin tärkeä.
Vaaleanpunainen inspiroi mua kauheasti tällä hetkellä, mutta olen surkean huono sitä itse käyttämään. Pitää skarpata tässä! Monet sävyt (minusta erityisesti puuteriset vaaleat sävyt sekä toisaalta shokkipinkit) kun ovat aivan ihania!
Haha, I thought that I'm the only one who actually gives names to clothing!
I kind of missed the actual awareness day, but took it back on Saturday wearing a gigantic pink corsage.
sdr, thank you! pink is not a color i often resort to, but it seems a good enough reason forces one to dig into storage and get inspired. i could definitely keep pink, perhast just tiny hints of it, like you, in my wardrobe.
anna, kiitos. mä harvoin lähden tällaisiin juttuihin mukaan, mutta kuten varmaan muillakin ihmisillä, asian aito läheisyys vaikuttaa haluun osallistua. vaaleanpunainen on toisaalta kovin vaikea, toisaalta todella toimiva väri – oikeissa sävyissä, oikeissa tekstuureissa. ei muuta kuin kokeilemaan!
kamicha, yup, naming clothes is a quirk that connects people. i have a few friends who do it – a state of mind...
i first read that you wore a gigantic pink corset and had a moment's epiphany of space balls and the big helmet... ramblerambleramble... until i got my dyslexia in order and realized that it was a corsage. yay, i love gigantic corsages!
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