nevertheless, i realized that my aim for color resulted in a play of shapes and forms. (i need to collect myself...) so i'll bore you with shots.
i started a couple of days ago with just adding more white. a white pair of dr martens boots adds just enough brightness. the rodebjer skirt is fun, can be worn zipper both front and back, and fits really boxy around the hips thanks to the folded pockets -- a fact which probably explains i got a great deal on it at beam since very few women enjoy accentuating their hip area.

after going whitey-brite, i gathered my courage for actual color. my relationship with purple and all its shades is complicated: i know it suits me, but i feel uneasy in it. perhaps it is because i associate it with my teen years and feel all grown up now (as if). perhaps it has sumthin' to do with subcultures that overuse purple and my dislike of them. dunno.
in any case, i love this lilac blouse i found at uff about three years ago. i wear it rarely, but love the fact that it brings an extra oomph to my very slight shoulders and i look almost balanced. the frills look slightly ridiculous on me, but an extra laugh or two a day won't hurt.

and once you almost got over the sight of me wearing that boxlike skirt, you get this: the insanely unflattering (if you think in traditional terms, but we don't, now do we?) jeans that create a humongous bum and shorten the legs are also from monki and i think i'll wear them until they become derelict...
now i'm going to give up thinking politics and retire to more urgent matters... such as what to wear on may day. you got plans, yet?
Mahtavia vaatteita - tykkään kaikista kovasti, mut tuo lantiota korostava hame on kerrassaan super! Ja sit nuo siniset housut! Ne sopivat sulle loistokkaasti!
Vappukuteista en vielä tiedä, joskin luulen että vedän päälleni Uffin alesta hommaamani kirkkaanpunaisen, hieman futuristisen nahkarotsin. Väri jotenkin sopii vappufiilikseen...vaikka ihan rauhallinen vappu kyllä on tulossa.
kiitos! mäkin tykkään hameesta kovasti ja se näyttää mun mielestäni paremmalta 3d:nä kuin kuvassa. ja farkut ovat tooooooosi mukavat.
mä luulen, että heilun koffarissa noissa farkuissa vielä ensi vappunakin.
Ylimageeeee se hame! Sopii juur sulle kuin nakutettu, samoin noi farkut, jollaiset vähän samanlaiset on Dieselilläkin, halvennuksessa, joten saatan ne poistaa omaan kevät-kesä 2009-11 -garderoobiini!
kiitos :D
mä luulen, että dieselin halvennetut olis hienommat albeit hinnakkaammat silti kuin nää mun megahalpikset. mutta pääasiahan on, että takapuoli näyttää valtavalta!
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