nevertheless, i intend to keep you posted regularly, but just need to find the spare time to do it after a pretty long while of being free(lance).

a campaign i worked on briefly received one of the golden, small award pyramids (although for something i had nothing to do with), and that was reason enough to party. the entire list of winners and honors can be seen here (in finnish).
the night itself was less rowdy than i expected although by the end of the awards ceremony some tables (i.e. advertising agencies) already made quite a fuss for their own success by screaming and loud applause. the event is centered around back-patting and subtle (or not so subtle) recruiting, but i tried steering clear of job-talk -- almost succeeding, too. i enjoyed the company of friends, and importantly, the food was close to excellent (especially the desert was fab) and champagne was plentiful.

as per usual, i almost forgot about the event and ended up just grabbing the first safe thing in my closet to wear. it was a little black dress from zara and on my feet i sled a pair of patent leather pumps from marc by marc jacobs. again, struggling with accessories, i added a simple cuff from gaspard yurkievich.
simple, and hopefully elegant enough.

because it was still cold, i also wore my vivienne westwood coat, one of my most treasured and beautiful items of clothing. although i am thrilled to put it on, i cannot but wait for a reason to carry it into the storage because of spring.
(which brings to mind: where the heck did the sun go, huh?!)
the entertainment was centered around the awards presentations, but two burlesque performances and a very random opera singer appeared on stage at strange intervals resulting in people largely ignoring their carefully prepared additions to the program. although i think burlesque is a fun celebration of femininity, i am quite honestly finding the trend tiring: there doesn't seem to be a party without tassels 'n' titties in this town anymore...
the party continued at motellet from where i took a quick leave home.
and what would a gala of graphic designers be without appropriately pimped paper for the royal tushies...

Aivan ihastuttavan kaunis tuo takkisi! Siis todella, todella, TODELLA elegantti - naisellinen, linjakas, ja jos suoraan sanon (saako sanoa? ;)) seksikäs. Ihana! Mä jouduin ihan hurmokseen!
Ja onnea valtavasti työpaikasta! Onneaonneaonnea!
P.S. Mä en tajua tätä mieletöntä burlesque-trendiä. Siis burlesque on parhaimmillaan musta ihan hienoa, mutta trendi on mennyt kyllä täällä överiksi: se on teemana ihan joka juhlissa tällä hetkellä.
kiitos, anna, kehuista ja onnitteluista. :)
takki on todellakin huomattavasti naisellisempi ja sensuellimpi kuin normaali peruslookkini ja ilo päällä.
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