for someone whose style is more androgynous than anything else and who has lately felt preoccupied with head issues, a 40's hat is more than fitting. the decade of great division in both world history and fashion, it saw the taking over of men's closets while they were away fighting, the celebration of creativity and frugality, and was definitely an era of hats and gloves. together with the expansion towards menswear, 1940's also became the stepping stone to re-establishing the extravagant hourglass in the 50's with the introduction of dior's new look in 1947. it was definitely a decade of extremities and contradictions, but also a decade of eroding class differences and camaraderie.
hats are not my customary selection of accessories, but seeing people like sugar kane wear theirs with such grace and ease, i've been on the lookout for something flattering and suitable. i really love kirsi nisonen's designs and after getting used to wearing something on my head, i'm sure to purchase some of hers. (and, yes, now is the time to do it because her handmade pieces are still very affordable.)
but let's talk about my hat.

as i browsed through the selection at kaivarin kanuuna i came across this exquisite monochrome satin hat. it is handmade and the satin's hues develop from the lightest of grey to black and are wrapped around like a turban while retaining a structured shape. as was customary in the 40's, it is constructed to be worn tipped to one side. "eugh!" you may think and the thought definitely crossed my mind: second-hand hats can be quite icky. but this one was in immaculate condition probably from only a few wears and proper storage and, most importantly, fits my head like a, ahem, glove.
it will look better once i have hair again, but with the right dress(y top) it might just work even baldheaded. here it's worn with a mango dress and earrings bought from the street in manhattan i wore to my friday night party.

Oi, superhieno! Mä rakastan 40-luvun selkeitä, militantteja ja korskeitakin linjoja - ja ihan kuten sanotkin, asusteet ovat tosiaan vuosikymmenen kenties kiehtovinta antia. Tuo on kyllä todellinen löytö - ja musta se sopii sulle kyllä erittäin hyvin ilman tukkaakin! COOL!
Ja hatuista: mä todellakin rakastan hattuja ihan valtavasti, mutta käytän niitä kyllä aika vähän. Isoäitini, jolla on upeat vaatevarastot, on lahjoittanut minulle muutamia hattuaarteitaan, ja yhden sain itse asiassa häneltä juuri eilen. Kuvia saatte nähdä piankin: kyseessä on lierihattu vuodelta 1968. Näiden perintöhattujen ansiosta en ole second hand -hattuja ostanut, mutta ostaisin toki, jos jotakin noin hyväkuntoista ja fancyä tulisi vastaan kuin tuo sinun.
Yep yep, grace and ease sure describes ME in (or out)hats, haha! Thanks doll!
Your hat - as well as other 40's references - suits you perfectly! I don't find second hand hats (or shoes or gloves) icky at all, if they've been stored and handled in a proper manner.
I'm actually thinking of getting into head wear big time - I used to think hats were "so not me", now I'm decided to make them My Thing. Would Love to find somethin feathery to wear on one side of my head, 30's, film star, or Roaring Twenties /Josephine Baker showgirly... I'd wear it with plain t-shirts and jeans...
Must look into Kirsi Nisonen's work closer, I'm sure I find a must-have or two there...
ooh, toi hattu kuule sopii niiiin hyvin ihan ilman tukkaakin! hieno löytö!
anna, kiitos. lierihatut ovat ihania, mutta eivät oikein sovi mulle. tämä hattu yllätti mut, kun kokeilin sitä vähän niin kuin huvikseni...
sugar kane, grace and ease. i said it and i'll say it again. getting into headgear sounds good; i may definitely go that way meself, as well. especially when it gets colder – then i neeeeed to.
m., kiitos! yllätyslöytö todellakin.
Uuh, niin upea hattu - ja sopii todellakin sinulle kuin nakutettu! Eikä tuo hattu hiuksia kaipaa; enemmän särmä juuri ilman hiuksia, vain kauniiden piirteidesi seuralaisena!
vimps, kiitos! nyt mä taas punastelen täällä...
luv. you´re very beautiful
thanks, my sweets.
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