Friday, October 7, 2011

northern mad max.

new finnish fashion talent seems sprouting allover, and there's one that especially pleases me these days.

r/h is the label of two of my friends, hanna and emilia, and it is their impeccable eye for detail that transforms sometimes the most basic shapes into interesting, fun and wearable items.

i fell in love with their joan d'arc/femme militante/mad max top with reindeer leather shoulder pads – naturally on the outside of the top.

at a boat party for nhl magazine a couple of weeks ago. good posture is everything...


Sugar Kane said...

It looks lovely on you! Not surprisingly, I've been drooling over the same blouse at My o My, but I guess the black wool jersey version might be more "me".

stellagee said...

sugar kane, thank you sweetie. yup, it isn't as versatile as the black one but all the more glorious because it is so special.