Thursday, February 10, 2011

therapeutic threesome.

i fell ill in the middle of last week. there is never a convenient time to get sick, but this one was particularly horrible: i had promised to help in the organization of one event and had put together a fundraiser myself. as much as i wanted to wrap myself in blankets and shun the rest of the world, i had to be out and about till late at night.

i heard at the finlandia party that i was glowing. fever. that'll do it.

finally on saturday i was allowed to stop, snuggle up on the sofa in my missoni bathrobe and start focusing on healing. on monday i went to the doctor to find out that i had the influenza and was crazy to keep on going last week.

well, shucks, i had no idea i was that sick.

still coughing, i feel today that life might just about get better.

my threesome necessary for recovery comes from pukka teas. organic herbal infusions combine my favorite elements: mints, gingers and soothing flowers.

i start the day with three mint, warm my aching body with three ginger and before bed, to help sleep, infuse a cup of night time.

i love the packaging and the fact that i can fetch my supply from around the corner at sis.deli. although tea aficionados might claim that bagged tea is as evil as instant coffee, i must admit to finding these sufficiently flavorful for my needs.

time to get some more rest, then. next week another adventure begins...


mikko said...


e. said...

Kaikkeen tottuu, esimerkiksi Rainbown pikakahviin...!

Birger Jaarli said...

Aijai! Terveisiä kohtalotoverilta. Mä tosin poden Lappeenrannan Cumulus-hotellissa, ja alakerran Huviretki-ravintolassa on Liptonia. Melko karua.

stellagee said...

mikko, haha, tilaus vaan amaraan, hop hop!

e., apua, kieltäydyn kertakaikkiaan uskomasta... ei kai, niin se taitaa olla.

birger jaarli, otan osaa ja toivottavasti olet jo parantunut ja päässyt paremmille teeapajille.

Soup Recipes said...

Nice blog post