Tuesday, January 18, 2011


for someone who practically lives in jeans and tees – be they morbidly black and artfully deconstructed but still, ultimately, just jeans and tees – there is a need for something simple to dress outfits up. or, to be quite honest, the need is based on my desire for things to be simple and, thus, a need of my own creation.

as most style issues are, i guess.

a sharp jacket is a self-evident solution, but i find most blazers dull and boring even when they have something quirky going on cut or detail-wise. nevertheless, for some reason during these past few years my go-to piece has been a simple, no-fuss, short blazer with short sleeves.

i purchased it on a whim from h&m and i think it was on sale. i have worn the bargain piece everywhere to smarten casual outfits up or to cover something too dressy for the occasion, like a tiia vanhatapio mamie dress. the short length exposes layers underneath and does not overwhelm or over-construct the look; the look is never your basic office coverall but the jacket provides a frame for the shoulders and bust.

the only problem with my chosen one being the short sleeves has kept me looking for a long-sleeve alternative. i have tried on numerous garments and always found them lacking in some respect: no buttons in front, no collar or the wrong collar, too loose in the back or in the sleeves... you can imagine.

finally for xmas, my sweetie solved the issue and got me a beautiful black alexander wang blazer with super long sleeves and the perfect cut above the midriff. i have worn it everywhere ever since and it has definitely proven to fill a gap i had in my wardrobe.

soon i'll probably have some shots of me wearing it, too. i just seem to avoid the camera these days...

have you got an unlikely staple in your wardrobe?


Sugar Kane said...

The blazer seems perfect for you, we demand pictures in action soon!

I guess my staple at the moment is my black Chanel jacket, but then it would be... It just seems to lift up my mundane outfits, and most importantly, my mood.

stellagee said...

sugar kane, thanks and yes, it is perfect. although i have gained a donut worthy of covering around my midriff, i intend to keep on wearing this...

your chanel jacket is quite exquisite, simple and perfectly tailored. i need one of those, as well.

Anna (ex-Meidän Pariisi :)) said...

Mun ainoa luottovaate tällä hetkellä taitaa olla Vuokon yksivärinen, pitkä, KIRKKAANKELTAINEN toppatakki. Olen ihan rakastunut siihen. Kaikki muut releet vaihteleekin sitten koko ajan fiiliksen mukaan. (Hassua muuten, että funtsin varsin pitkään tuon keltaisen toppiksen hankkimista: se tuntui jotenkin tosi vaikealta väriltä. Kun sitten hommasin - onneksi - sen, huomasin, että sehän käy ihan kaiken kanssa. Se on niin överi, että se on itse asiassa tosi helppo vaate. Outoa joskus tämä helppo/vaikea rajankäynti...)

Mustista bleisereistä sen verran, että löysin hiljattain itsekin täydellisen (itselleni täydellisen, siis) sellaisen vuosien etsinnän jälkeen. Omani on Marjan Pejoski. Toisaalta klassinen ja tosi skarpisti leikattu (mitä rakastan!), toisaalta aika epäkonservatiivinen kuitenkin.

Toi sun jakku on loistokas! Wow! Mä haluan kanssa ensi tilassa nähdä kuvia siitä sun päällä! :)

stellagee said...

anna, ihanaa! mun yksi lukioaikainen lempivaate oli kirkkaankeltainen toppatakki, tosin vain niukasti pepun yli ulottuvat. joskus överi vain toimii itsessään täydellisesti...

mä tarvitsisin vielä perinteisemmän (eli pidemmän) mustan bleiserin. mutta mistä, siinäpä pulma...