Wednesday, March 2, 2011

hand salvage.

these winter months of continuous cold have destroyed the delicate surface of my hands. i am serious: destruction is the word.

last week i noted with repugnance that my knuckles looked as if i had taken part in some free fight session on my way to work. just briefly reaching for my tram ticket from the pocket of my winter coat had ripped the skin into gossamer films and torn the surface into a web of bloody cracks. the tops of my fingers had started to change their color towards a bluey tone that did not disappear during the day in the warmth of the office.

needless to say, i wore proper gloves outside all the time.

being as low maintenance as i am, i hardly pamper myself with creams for the body let alone specialty products. i have noted that hand ointments are something many of my friends feel passionate about – although we might never discuss body lotion, bringing up dry hands releases a fountain of passionate recommendations and opinions. for someone like myself who hardly suffers from dry palms, this winter has seriously clarified why this is such an urgent matter: i have, for the first time ever, been in pain.

luckily i did not have to rely on suggestions which all seemed to come with a downside: either the smell was foul or you needed gloves after applying. i was relieved to have some at hand (ha!) and this time i went to the storage and reached for the ultimate aide.

kiehl's has been my product line of choice for years because their subtle fragrances, simple packaging and quality contents appeal to me. i stock up on my trips abroad and have a pretty decent selection of almost anything i could need – luckily i had also succumbed to the lure of their hand cream.

two applications later, my hands are back to life. truly a miracle solution.


mv said...

Mä olen nyt kanssa tehnyt syrjähyppyjä Kiehl'sin puolelle. Niiden Acai-sarja on ihan loistava. Mulla on siitä seerumit sun muut tököttimet ja tulee talvellakin pehmeä nassu.

Salka said...

Tää talvi on kyllä ollut todella haastava iholle, ja eritoten käsien iholle! Mun ongelma on vaan se, etten ikinä meinaa muistaa rasvata muita kehon osia kuin naamaa..nyt on vaan ollut pakko laittaa aamuin illoin tuhti kerros Tummelia tai yhtä toista rasvaa, jonka nimeä en nyt satu muistaan..auttavat toki, mutta eivät ehkä tarpeeksi. Täytyykin siis pitää silmät auki, jos joskus jostain tuota rasvaa onnistuisi bongaamaan!

Salka said...

Jäipäs kommentti vähän vaillinaiseksi..mutta siis, käsiin tuhti kerros rasvaa, naamaa ei onneksi vielä toistaiseksi oo tarvinnut rasvakuorruttaa :)

stellagee said...

mv, mäkin kokeilin acai-seerumia testeristä ja vaikutti ihan pätevältä. mulla on vuosikausien outo suhde tuon merkin kanssa ja aina vaan tykkään. taas pitäisi varastoja täydentää...

salka, heh, mulla kanssa on huonosti muistikykyä, kun puhutaan kropan ihon hoitamisesta. sääret alkavat muistuttaa korppua, mutta sentään välillä muistan nekin.

kiehl'siä pitää hankkia reissuilta, mutta lähin on kuitenkin ruotsissa eli ei nyt mahdoton.