one should know to leave home in outfits that suit every reasonably expected situation that might follow. to my detriment, i suck at that. thus, i had lunch in an exaggerated version of my current preference for loose on loose and ended up partying in a costume that makes me look like a small elf – no minor thanks to my shoes and stripey socks. i felt more uncomfortable and fidgety the later we got into the night.
don't get me wrong, i love the outfit for its foldy movement and i adore my shoes that are just a tad too ugly. nonetheless, as an ensemble, they made me feel totally out of place late at siltanen where the fashion crowd gathered to a party organized by weekday.

i have many trusted looks that easily carry me from morning to the wee hours, but i am too much of an intuitive dresser to regard this as an important factor on a daily basis. thus, i still lack the ability to prepare myself for unexpected schedule changes. you can find pics from the events here, here and here, and despite my ensemble failure, i had a great time.
i expect this to be an issue again (and again) and, thus, next time you see a little smeagul sneaking around the corners of a nightclub, you know it's me wearing my morning mood. does this ever happen to you?
Does this ever NOT happen to me? My schedule keeps changing, and though I love to spontaneously alter plans, I often end up looking plain wrong at some stylish event... This is not helped by the fact that I've been lugging my "warderobe" 'round in a bag for most of the winter. The ongoing need for layers of warm clothing has also lead to quite disastrous looks. Still, I've managed to have some great times!
I think I need to build some fail-safe day-to-night ensembles, thanks for the inspiration...
Kyllä, tätähän kyllä tapahtuu. Ja koska olen kaiketi ihan surkean huono pukeutumaan tilanteen mukaan muutenkin, mä olen varmaan vähän AINA "väärissä" vaatteissa. Mä en oikein osaa erotella juhla- ja muita vaatteita, kun oikein asiaa ajattelen. Eikä mulla itse asiassa taida juuri olla mitään oikeita juhlavaatteita. Tai sitten ne ei vaan tunnu sellaiselta kun saatan kuitenkin lähteä ne päällä vaikka torille perunoiden ostoon jos siltä sattuu tuntumaan. Mutta pitäisi kyllä ottaa oppia sulta ja suunnitella joitakin takuuvarmoja asuja tiukkoihin tilanteisiin!
Mä muuten tykkään tuosta sun asusta ihan kauheesti. Just silleen vähäeleisesti hieno, tosi COOL. Mä en osaa tuollaista ollenkaan! Miten sä teet sen? Ja miksi mä en ikinä onnistu siinä??
Ja sit vielä se, että mä olen kanssa ihan täysin rentojen vaatteiden lumoissa tällä hetkellä! Oon aikeissa postatakin asian vierestä kunhan vaan kerkiäisin. Ehkä pääsiäislomalla?
Tsih, sorry, shouldn't laugh at serious things, but this IS a comforting post. Funny you should have that feeling! From the labels it looks like you were ready to go anywhere & do anything! Me, I'm a poor student, so I have to mind my outfits and take care my comfort gear stays in the house. Who knows where I'll end up after an exam. Isn't there a lipstick, a necklace or something in your bag to mend these kind situations?
sugar kane, i have to say that the love of spontaneity and whimsical, intuitive dressing probably go hand in hand. i also love to run off to wherever life takes me any given moment, but given my emotional relationship with my outfit moment, my wardrobe choices do not necessarily follow in accord.
fail-safe is one solution but somehow contradicts my entire dress-up philosophy...
anna, mä en myöskään seuraa mitään kovin tyypillistä jaottelua "oikeisiin" vaatteisiin, vaikka toki osaa pukeutua tilaisuuden kulloinkin vaatimalla tavalla. ulkoiset vaatimukset ja sisäinen fiilis kun vaan eivät aina kohtaa... kuten yllä jo sanoin, takuuvarmuus toimii tietyissä tilanteissa, mutta tuntuu ristiriitaiselta fiilispukeutujasta.
kiitos, mäkin tykkään siitä. vähäeleisyyden "salaisuus" on, heh. vähäeleisyys. mustaa ja mustaa. haahaaa! rentous on ihanaa.
e., laugh all you want, i do not consider this at all serious. or only as serious as subjective discomfort should be...
i, nonetheless, have a hard time following the logic of labels implying suitability for anything. one can feel terribly wrongly dressed in chanel, can one not? i guess the entire issue comes down to not my outfit being unsuitable (it was more than alright for every event because all were casual), but my own feelings about it.
since i don't wear lipstick (ever!) and accessorize to the minimum, i guess the only kind of escape solution for me to carry around would be a pair of killer heels. they instantly lift me to party mood. the problem is, i'd have to know which pair to grab every time i leave the house and that already contradicts the idea that i am just going with the flow, right?
Sorry, I didn't want to be cheeky. It's just... well, if you (with your taste, style, wardrobe cool etc) feel out of place with your clothes sometimes, what hope there is with the rest of us?
Ps. Heippa, my name is Elina & I've read your blog on/off for a year now. I admire the way you wear your hair, your easy chic & gutsy opinions. Thank you!
e., ah, crap, did i sound offended? did not mean to... sorry. i, in all honesty, think the whole elfing thing IS laughable.
i wish there was some Big Truth to be figured out about feeling stylish everywhere all the time, but it hasn't crossed paths with me, yet. (and if it did, i think i'd keep it to meself, har har har!)
heippa to yerself and thank you! just noted you've got a blog, so let's meet by the comment box, now shall we...
What? You always look so effortlessly chic! I guess it's one of those issues that no one else will notice unless you say something about it. I don't think your outfit had anything wrong with it when we saw each other last Thursday.
anna-maria, yeah, i guess it's really subjective and mood-dependent. but, thank you, i'm glad the feeling stayed internal and did not show...
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