the first edition of "you should be here" came out just in time for the eurovision song contest in 2007, and the second one continues in the same path, only much sturdier, i.e. thicker, this time around. the book is not your traditional guide book, but rather a beautifully shot photographic reflection of the life of helsinki hipsterdom (for the lack of a better word which no doubt the creators would sneer at as true hipsters should. haha. sorry.) it's sarcastic, but gentle towards most of its depicted objects. very limited in its choice of content and viewpoint, it is not the book to turn to when trying to find historical walks around the city, but an informative and ambitious inside joke which challenges official city boundaries creating an alternative urban picture of the city -- similar to creating a guide book to manhattan where nothing between 14th and 110th street really exists and quick transportation to brooklyn was constantly recommended. in all honesty, i'd be happy with such a nyc guide book as long as circle line was included...
since all my favorite bars, stores, bands, and my apartment building are listed there, it is the only guide book i'd recommend to any of my friends visiting helsinki.
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